Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Model Train Show

We went to a model train show last weekend.  It was really fun and we wish we had the time, space, and money to get into that hobby.  Oh well, I'm glad we got to see what others have done.  The most amazing one was the huge lego train and setup.  It was fascinating.

Back Into Politics

Well, I must admit that I got overloaded with politics and so I took a break for a while.  I am getting back into it though and if anyone is interested my musings take a look at my other blog, Gaylene's Political Studies.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Cold but the Draper Temple is Beautiful

I am officially missing California.  It is so cold here!!  Everyone keeps telling me how nice the weather has been for January and it's so nice that the sun is out.... but come on, 30 degrees in the middle of the day is not "nice".  I don't mind the cold so much when there is beautiful snow on the ground but that is all gone too.  Oh well.... there is some snow expected in a few days.

On the up side, we went to the Draper Temple Open House last weekend and it was beautiful.  Luckily we had tickets for Saturday morning so it wasn't crowded and we got right in (unlike Friday evening when I guess you had to wait about 2 hours to get in).  We took our whole family plus my brother's family plus some of our neighbors and everyone really enjoyed it.  It is such a beautiful, peaceful place and I can't wait for it to be dedicated so we can use it.  David and I went to the Jordan River Temple last week and we had to stand in a long line just to get into the chapel.  The lockers were all full so there were lines there and the temple was just packed.  It's wonderful to see so many people there but it sure makes for a long evening of waiting.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow Fun

We had a nice wet snow storm that was perfect for snowman building and snowballs!!
Notice the little snow hill behind the boys... directly in front of them (where the camera is for this picture) are the back stairs to our house.  The boys and some friends packed the stairs with snow and made a great sledding hill.   They kept running into the neighbor's bush so they built that little snow bank that you can see behind them and they would bank around that to finish their run.  All the kids spent hours sliding down that over and over again.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

My brother, Curtis, and his family came for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. We had a great time playing games, eating food, and welcoming in the New Year together.  Above is a picture of Rebecca and Rachel and their cousin Becky cheering and banging pots and pans at mindnight. We hope you all had a wonderful celebration as we look forward to this great upcoming year.

The next day was filled with more games, food and football (both playing and watching on TV).
Jared did catch that, by the way.
Adam got worn out and spent the afternoon sleeping (as we wished we all were).

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