Sunday, October 31, 2010


Costumes, Candy, Pumpkins, Haunted House, etc. FUN!! FUN!! FUN!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Snow and Crazy Hair Day

IT SNOWED!!! YEA!!! We are rather excited in our home because we are eagerly awaiting ski season and the snow really helps. :) Not to mention that it is just beautiful.


It is also CRAZY HAIR DAY at school. Aren't Rebecca and Adam just cute?


Monday, October 25, 2010

Rachel Goes to NYC

It's a tradition in our family that when you turn 12 you get to go on a trip with Dad anywhere you want... as long as you can pay for your own part of the trip. Rachel decided to go to New York City to see Wicked and to go to Carlo's Bake Shop among other things. They got back last night after being there for 4 days and it sounds like they had a great time. I picked out a few pictures that I think captures the essence of all that they did. It makes me want to go do the NYC thing again. Maybe some day.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pictures of Jared on His Mission

We finally got some pictures of Jared. He sent home a memory card from his camera and there were over 200 pictures and some great video as well. I went through them and picked out a few that seemed to capture what life is like for him. I haven't labeled any of the pictures because I don't know anything about them except that Jared is in a lot of them. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kennecott Copper Mine

For those of you who live in Utah or have visited the Salt Lake area, I'm sure you have seen the big mounds of dirt on the west side of the valley. That is the Kennecott Copper Mine and I have always (since I was little) been curious about it. So I dragged all my kids with me yesterday to go investigate. It was fascinating. Since Adam is not too keen on reading everything in the visitors center, I plan to go back without any kids some time to read everything there. I definitely recommend it though for the whole family. All the kids liked seeing it and seeing how it goes from plain old dirt to 99.9% copper, not to mention the gold and silver they get out too.


The big tire that the kids are standing by goes on one of those trucks in the other picture. The truck is as big as a 2-story house. The pit probably doesn't look that deep but it is 3/4 of a mile deep and they said you could stack 2 Sears towers on top of each other and still not get to the top of the hole from the bottom. It is massive.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday Rachel!

Rachel's 12th birthday

My little girl turned 12 on Thursday and we celebrated yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Rachel is awesome and always makes me smile. I look forward to the years ahead with her as she grows into a beautiful young lady. Love you Rachel.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nitro Circus at APX Company Party

I was introduced to the world of Nitro Circus last Saturday night. If you don't know what it is, don't feel bad, I didn't either. It's a group that puts on a great show doing tricks and stunts on motorcycles and bicycles. APX hosted it at their Provo campus for their company party and it was a great evening for all. I included a few pictures and a video clip so you can kind of get a feel for it. Needless to say, Tanner, Joshua, and all their friends loved it. Actually the rest of us really enjoyed it too... it was very fun to watch. It was much better in person than on TV and I only caught a little bit on camera. Some of it was just so crazy I had to watch and not bother with a camera. :)

This is what the front lawn of APX looked like. Ready for some action.

Rachel, Josh, Hayden, Becky, Brad, Tanner B., Tanner P., Curtis (my brother). Others that were there but aren't in the picture were Aaron, Amanda, Hunter, Rebecca, Adam, David, and of course, me.

In the video clip below, look for David standing with the group that the motorcycle jumps over. He is the one just to the right of the last number in the front there. The number represents how many alarm systems they installed this summer. They exceeded their goal so everyone was truly in the celebrating mood.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Do All Girls Love Horses?

Rebecca is taking horseback riding lessons. She goes once or twice a month and is loving it. Today was her second lesson and she rode a horse named Sara. Rebecca said she liked Sara a lot better than Diamond.... the horse she rode last time. She can saddle and bridle the horse, lead it, mount it, dismount, and unsaddle it as well as all the riding stuff. Here is a little video of her at her lesson today.

Adam went to watch today and he totally lucked out when Rebecca's teacher asked him if he wanted to ride for a few minutes. He was so excited. She helped him up on the horse and then told him a few things about riding and then he was on his own around the arena twice. He loved it.