Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Eve - New PJs


Christmas Morning - Going to find out if Santa came. HE DID!!! What fun.

Happy Birthday Adam - December 28, 2010. Adam is now 6 YEARS OLD. Oh my. We celebrated by going to pizza at the Brick Oven in Provo. We headed all the way down there since Tanner was playing in a soccer tournament just down the street from the Brick Oven.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Could Anyone Love Skiing More Than Josh?

Josh went skiing on Monday AND Tuesday. Then he went skiing today (Thursday) with me and the other kids. That left Wednesday with no skiing. How sad. But wait, Wednesday afternoon I looked out the front window and saw this.....

Could anyone love skiing more than that? Just for your information. The first time Josh did the 360 he landed it perfectly. Then I decided to video tape it and he never landed it again. I think I jinxed him.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feel the Joy

We had a great time as a family last night helping with a Sub-for-Santa at APX. We went and wrapped presents for kids in need and it was awesome. It was so nice to see so many people doing this to give to others. I can't wait to see the video of the kids receiving their gifts and I truly felt the Joy of Christmas as we thought about and helped others. Thank you APX.


A Surprise in London for Gaylene

So David told me that he had an HR Conference in London and it happened to be the week of my birthday so he invited me to go with him. We would use frequent flier miles to get me there and then I could just stay with him in his room for the conference. Then we decided we would stay a few extra days at a different hotel that we could afford. I was so excited since it has been over 20 years since I was there on a semester study abroad with BYU. I had it all planned out although I was kind of wondering what I would do by myself all day for 4 days but I was pretty familiar with London and thought I wouldn't have any problem getting around and seeing things on my own.

I've posted a slideshow including a few video clips. It is a little long so you can just press the skip ahead button if you want to go faster. We had a great time!!!

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If you watched the first video clip you know all about my surprise. David is so sneaky but it was really fun to get such a surprise. I loved it all. Thank you to my wonderful husband, David.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Jazz Game for Family Home Evening

Thanks to APX, we got to go to a Jazz game for Family Home Evening. We had one extra ticket so we also brought one of Joshua's friends, David M. It was a great game (the Jazz won), we had great seats, and Adam liked meeting the 1/2 Bear.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Behind In My Blogging

I'm doing a little catch-up since I haven't posted anything for over a month. We went to Cornbelly's at the end of October and had a great time. David and Tanner opted out so they aren't in any of the pictures. Notice the stuff that Rachel, Rebecca and Adam are playing in. Those are kernals of corn. Tons of it. The kids play in it like sand.


The month of November was a busy one including a surprise trip to London for my birthday. I will do another post all about that wonderful trip.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Terry's house with lots of Marilyn's family as well as my mom and dad. It was a large group but dinner was great and we had a good time visiting with everyone. We missed having leftover turkey though so we had a small family Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday.


The day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) I got up at the crack of dawn to go shopping! JUST KIDDING. I'm not a big fan of Black Friday so we loaded up the car and went skiing for the day. It was fabulous.


David and I did get to do some Christmas shopping on Saturday. It seemed like all the sales were for the whole weekend so we still got some pretty good deals.

Now it is December and we are in the full-swing of Christmas. I play the radio station that plays only Christmas songs all day and I'm not sick of it yet. The decorations are up...


... the presents are being wrapped, and we still manage to slip in a ski trip here and there. The nice thing about season passes is that we can go for just a few hours instead of feeling like we have to stay the whole day to get our money's worth.

Season's Greetings to everyone and be sure to enjoy the holidays and not get to frazzled. :)