The next day the kids started spring break so Joshua put Adam's bike together and off he went. We never even put the training wheels on... he just took off.
After riding bikes (I did some gardening too) we went swimming for an hour or so.
The next day, April 10th, we had a big birthday party for Rebecca. We played lots of games, had a pinata, opened presents, and had cake. Lots of fun with lots of kids (I think we had 12 kids here plus my own).
After Rebecca's party, Joshua and I planted raspberries and about 55 strawberry plants. Yes, it was very dark by the time we finished but we had to get them in the ground so we kept going 'til we were done. I pray they grow.
Jared arrived that night for the weekend and we were very glad that Grandma Ginia was also visiting us for Rebecca's birthday and the other festivities of the week.
On Saturday, April 11, Jared baptized Rebecca and David confirmed her. It was a very small but beautiful baptism and Rebecca was so sweet.
We were very happy to have Curtis and his family come to the baptism as well as Crista Hill. They then came over to our house for some brunch and visiting.
As soon as we got that all cleaned up, it was time to color Easter eggs and start preparing the Easter dinner.
Here are all the kids at the top of the stairs Easter morning. Did the Easter bunny come? Yes!! The egg hunt began and ended very quickly. I don't know how they find them all so quickly.
Since we had a little time before everyone had to get ready for church, the kids jumped on the trampoline for a while. Then it was just Rachel and Adam. Then..... Adam was down and crying.
I guess you can tell from the pictures that we had to call 911 and they took Adam to Primary Children's Hospital where we found out he had a broken femur bone and they needed to put him in a "large" cast. Everyone at the hospital was just wonderful and took great care of Adam. He was very brave and did everything he was supposed to even when it hurt. And, before we were done there, Joshua came in with Jared to see if he needed stitches in his finger which he had cut while cutting the ham for dinner. Luckily no stitches were needed but they did glue it closed and bandaged it up for him.
We brought them both home late Easter Sunday night and now we have 6 weeks of Adam in a partial body cast. What are we going to do to keep him entertained? Any good ideas out there?
He's doing well and everyone here has been so nice and helpful. I'll keep you posted on Adam's progress. The doctor said that after about 4 weeks kids his age figure out how to walk around with a cast like that on. Amazing.
Happy Easter everyone!!!
WO that's CRAZY! You've been busy!
Who took the picture of Adam on his way to the ambulance?
WHAT?!?!?! Ryan and I were reading this post together just now, and what happened? We have a trampoline with netting just like yours. How did the break happen. (knocking on lots of wood so it won't happen with Matthew)
And the pic of the ambulance, that is something most worried and panicking parents don't take, and so it pretty much told the whole story, worth a thousand words and all. Pretty cool pic to have. WHo took that? (repeating on Kathi here)
Happy Bday Rebecca. And Congrats on Baptized. COol that Jared got to baptize her. What a busy and funfilled and stressful Easter weekend!!
Get well soon Adam! Keep us posted!
Tanner took the picture. We have others of the 911 call, etc. He is dong fine at home.
What a crazy and traumatic weekend. What a brave kid. I can't believe he's smiling in the pictures with the cast. I hope the next few weeks go okay and he heals quickly.
Wow- not to have the injury overshadow the injury, but that's no small injury.
Now I'm starting to hear his first primary talk coming on about his choice of Sabbath day activities-- tee hee!
if that sounded judgemental. I'm sorry- coming from a girl who usually swam in the backyard swimming pool and jumped on the trampoline on Sundays too.
You might find it funny that most of our hospital visits occur on Sunday.... even just illnesses and births seem to occur way more often on Sunday in our family than any other day. We often joke about it being some sort of sign about how we spend our Sabbath.
What adeventures you're having. So sorry to hear about adam. I'll let you know if I come up with any brilliant ideas for entertaining.
WOW. What a weekend. Hope Adam heals quickly, that is crazy - cool though that you got that picture!! And how awesome for Jared to bapitze Rebecca, she looks grogeous in her picture! Happy belated Easter!
The first thing I thought was, "Thank goodness he wasn't at my house! I would have had to sneak him into an urgent care unit under an assumed name and, uh,oh! I don't have a boy near his age!" We miss you! Rebecca looks so cute with Jared, can't wait to do that here .. some day.
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