Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have been waiting to post this for a few days hoping to get a picture to post with it. No such luck yet. I will post pictures as soon as I get some.

Josh went to his Senior Prom last weekend. He went to Alta High School's prom with a big group of kids. He took a girl, Jane, that he knows from Itineris and he said they had a great time! The group rented a limo so they could all ride together and once everybody was picked up, they went to dinner at Tuscany's. I've never been there but Josh said it was really nice. After dinner they headed to the prom which was at the state capitol building. After the dance, the limo made the rounds dropping everyone off and Josh was home by midnight. Good job!

Now around here it is tradition to also do a "day activity" in conjunction with the prom. Since the prom was on a Friday and they had school, they decided to do the day activity on Saturday. So the next morning, they all went up to a cabin of one of the boys. They had a big breakfast, went snowmobiling and sledding, had lunch, and watched a movie. WOW! We never did dates like that.

It sounds like they all had a great time and I can't wait to see the pictures :)

1 comment:

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

I did day activities like that a few times, and then the dance. Those are always the BEST dates!