Monday, March 19, 2012

Dad, when did you learn Spanish?

We have a tradition at our house that whenever anybody comes to dinner we ask if they can speak another language. If they can, then we ask if they will say the prayer in that language. Well, on St. Pat's Day we had Jared and Tori who have both done the prayer in another language already so David said he would do it in Spanish. Adam looked strangely at him and then David said the prayer. When he was done Adam looked at him and said, "Dad, when did you learn to speak Spanish?" It was so funny. Somehow we have never told Adam that David speaks Spanish and I guess David doesn't ever speak Spanish around Adam. Our 7-year-old son didn't even know that David went on a Spanish-speaking mission until a few days ago. I guess that's what happens to the youngest... we think he already knows everything that the older kids know and he ends up missing out. We'll have to be careful about that. :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Yeah...those youngest children get the short end of the stick sometimes...I'm the youngest in my family!