Rachel is spending most of her summer at Rita's Ice earning money for school. And we get to enjoy the yummy treats (especially when she brings something home after work). :-)
Adam is on a new soccer team... APEX and is loving it. Several of his friends are on it which means we get to carpool so I'm loving it too. They took first place in the Impact United Tournament!!!
David's company had a family party at Boondocks Fun center so we had a good time thanks to InMoment.
We spent a week up in Park City enjoying the cool mountain air. David and Rachel still had to work some but we were able to have a few full days with everyone. We played tennis, rode bikes, went hiking, swam a lot, played games and fed some ducks.
One day during our Park City week, we headed to Provo to go to Aaron's wedding. He got married in the Provo City Center Temple and I was so glad we could be there.
Gaylene, Terry, Roger, Mom, Curtis
Jared, Tori and Boston moved into their apartment in Provo. Boston loves his new little bed and will be sharing his room with his new little brother. How Fun!!!
Rebecca, Adam, Ace and I headed up to Tibble Fork Reservoir for a nice swim on a hot summer day... but, Tibble Fork is CLOSED! They are reconstructing the whole dam. So the Ranger lady suggested we go up further to Silver Lake. She said that it is a really pretty lake. When we arrived, we were hugely disappointed because it was super low and very muddy like it had just gotten low. I asked around and found out from some of the other people that it had been full up to the tree line the week before and they didn't know why it was drained. (I wonder if the Ranger knew it had been drained???) We were a little disappointed and didn't stay long. Ace played in the water/mud so he was a mess and had to have a bath when he got home. I guess we'll need to find another dog friendly lake.
We did have some beautiful views though.
We got to go to a Real Soccer Game with fireworks afterwards thanks to InMoment.
And, we went target shooting on the west side of Utah Lake.
David went to Toronto on a business trip and while he was there he went on a skywalk outside the top of the CN Tower pictured below. Yikes!! He said it was really awesome which is saying a lot since he's afraid of heights.