Friday, May 22, 2009

Off With the Cast

On Monday we went up to Primary Children's to get x-rays again and see how Adam's leg was healing. The doctor said it looked great (that means it is better than it was but it is still not straight). But, good enough to take the cast off. The doctor said we could wait one more week but he didn't think it was worth it to make me drive all the way back up there next week. He felt like Adam would be very careful and it wouldn't be a problem.

Sure enough, he's still not walking on it but he does a little more with it all the time. Yesterday we went swimming and he moved it quite a lot and actually got some real exercise. He is very protective of it and I'm sure it is doing great without the cast. He does stand up a little bit on it but that is about it.

Adam can stand up for a minute if he holds onto a chair.

Notice how he is only using one leg to pedal, the other one he is holding carefully out of the way.

The interesting thing is that he seems to have come to a realization that we, as mortals, are not indestructable. The other night he was talking to me about his birthday. We started talking about his birth and I told him the whole story about his heart stopping, emergency c-section, priesthood blessing that healed him.... all stuff I've told him many times before. This time though he started sobbing and just clung to me for dear life. When I got him all settled down and I asked him why he was crying he said, "Did they cut you all the way around your body to get me out?" Poor little guy. I assured him it was a small cut and I couldn't feel it and I was so happy when he was born. It was all worth it. Then he started crying again and said, "Why did my heart stop? I'm afraid it will stop again?" Wow. Big worries for such a little guy. I guess this experience has really affected him.

Well the next night we heard a bunch of sirens. Adam said, "It is probably a car crash." Then he said, "I don't want you, or dad, or Jared, (pause) or Joshua since he can drive too to get in a car crash." Then he started crying again. I guess with time the trauma of the whole thing will subside.

1 comment:

The Jackson's said...

So cute how things effect kids. Camryn was very concerned when Dana gave blood that they would take it all. Let us know when Jared's farewell will be. We would love to come!