Thursday, June 11, 2009

Strange Happenings


We had the strangest storm today. Major rain, wind, hail, lightening and thunder..... crazy but very exciting. After the storm, I noticed some of my neighbors' fences. See above. I noticed a few trampolines that had been picked up, twisted up, and plopped down someplace else. I examined the actual holes in the fences. Fascinating. There was a fairly good sized tree that was just snapped off its trunk but the tree was laying on the other side of the yard. I concluded that it was a tornado. It has all the signs of a tornado but tonight on the news they said it was a microburst. I guess I was close to the right answer. Anyways, luckily nobody was hurt and only a few fences in the neighborhood were damaged. The news did say that a huge play structure in someone's yard got rolled along the ground like a tumble weed. Scary.

Then I took Rebecca and Tanner to the dentist. I also had an orthodontist look at Rebecca's teeth. After they took full x-rays of her mouth, they told me she is missing 6 adult teeth. They just aren't there. They said they don't know why that happens sometimes but they think it's genetic. Usually only 2 or 4 teeth are missing... not 6. Very weird. Anyway, the 6 missing teeth are causing all sorts of development problems like the jaw didn't develop properly, some of her teeth are caving in and messing up the bone structure, etc. The good news is that it can all be fixed pretty well. She just has to get braces in the next 6 months and after she is full grown she will have to have 4 implants to put artificial teeth in. Wow. Poor Rebecca. I'm just glad they know how to make it as good as possible.

1 comment:

Kaija said...

Wow! I've never heard of a microburst. Evidentally the weather has been crazy in Colorado, too. I am glad everyone is safe! Strange teeth and all! So glad to hear (from Ang) that things are looking up for all of your family members!