Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ryan Powell's Family Came for a Visit

It was so fun to have David's brother, Ryan, and family come to visit for a few days just before the 4th of July.  They even brought their cute little dog, Merry.  She is the best behaved dog I have ever seen and oh so cute.  

Leah gave Merry lots of hugs.... she must love her.
Adam and Matthew had a good time with Merry too.  I think Matthew especially liked all our legos in the basement.
Rebecca and Leah
We had a great family baseball game in the backyard.  Tennis balls are a lot easier to hit a long ways than regular baseballs. 
Cade and Rachel
Heather had a good hit.
Seth playing catcher and Joshua getting ready to hit.
Baseball didn't quite wear everyone out... so they started a game of football in the street.  
Ryan getting ready to make a touchdown pass.
Thanks to Ryan, Heather, Seth, Cade, Leah, Matthew and Merry for coming to visit.  Please come again soon and hopefully we'll get down to visit you when your temperatures get a little cooler.  :)


Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

We had so much fun!! What do you mean "when the temperatures get a little cooler" ?!?! The temps were awesome! It was 108 degrees today, while the kids were at school and everything!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Sorry. (sheep face)

I thought you meant when the temps get cooler at your house for when visit again.

Yes...wait for quite awhile before you visit us. I fear you all will perish on the spot when you stand on my driveway melting...

looking forward to that day...