Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Happenings

This morning Adam asked me what day it was.  I told him it was Sunday.  Usually this brings moans and complaints about having to go to church.  He's been my only child to really seem to hate going to church.  Well today his answer was different.  He said, "Oh good.  We get to go to church where they don't have fires."  Poor little guy.  Our neighbor's house burned down a few weeks ago.  It's a family that just lives on the other side of the block and so Adam witnessed the fire and he actually knows the people so it is very personal to him.  David and I weren't home at the time so Adam went with all the kids over to watch the whole thing.  As you can imagine, fire is terribly frightening and very violent to watch.  Ever since then Adam has been so afraid.  He won't go anywhere in the house by himself (he's afraid a fire will start and he won't be able to get out).  He won't go to bed in his bed.  He comes in from outside sometimes in tears because he says he feels sick in his stomach because he was thinking about the fire.  Talk about anxiety.  

I've read some things on helping 1-5 year olds after a traumatic event.  It seems that all we can do is listen, comfort, cuddle, listen some more and eventually the fear should ease up.  If anyone has a good idea out there, let me know.

On a brighter note... Jared received his Duty to God Medal today at church.  I was very proud of him.  He actually finished it quite some time ago but with our move and him being at BYU, it took a while to get all the right people involved and actually receive the award.

And, one last fun thing is our little family of mice.  Remember the mice that were born a while ago?  Well we went on vacation and many different things combined to their demise. The only surviving mouse was the white female named "Rice".  It's too hard to explain here but it was quite sad.  Anyway, Joshua bought another male mouse and introduced him to Rice.  Just about 3 weeks later, she had 9 little baby mice and they are so cute.  I took a picture of them yesterday.  They have some fur and they walk around a little bit but their eyes are still closed.  Hopefully they will grow to adulthood without any problems.  In the picture below, notice the adult mouse tail in the upper lefthand corner.  That kind of gives you an idea of how tiny they still are.  



Kristen said...

Love your family picutre! too bad about Adam and his anxiety. Sorry I don't have a magic answer--probably just lots of listening and patience.

The Jackson's said...

I remember watching a show about aliens once and I didn't sleep for months thinking they would invade us. I think I just needed reassurance all the time that things would be ok. So sad.