Friday, February 26, 2010


The kids are all getting very good at skiing. We even got to go up with Uncle Dana and Aunt Julie who were professional ski instructors for many years at Snowbird. They gave everybody help on how to get even better. We had a great time and want to give them a great big THANK YOU!

Rachel has really wanted to try snowboarding and so has Rebecca so they convinced Joshua to also try it. He ended up going with a friend last weekend and said it was really fun but that he was very sore at the end of the day. I think you fall a lot when you are first learning. He says he'll probably try it again but he really loves skiing.

Then on Monday, Rachel, Rebecca, and Adam gathered their money together and went to rent snowboards. I took them up to Park City for a few hours in the evening and Joshua went too so he could kind of teach them what to do since I am a skier and have no clue about boarding. Since it was night skiing, there was really nobody there and the kids had the hill all to themselves. Rachel picked it up really quickly and Rebecca did pretty good too. Adam spent the first 20 minutes laying on the ground crying that he couldn't do it. I told him that was fine but we had to get down the mountain so we could go to the car. After about 3 tries, he had it figured out and pretty much told me to stop getting in his way because he wanted to go.

I took Rachel, Rebecca, and Adam back up the next day so they could go all day. We only stayed about 3 hours though because Adam fell a lot and started getting very frustrated. Rebecca didn't fall often but she fell very hard a few times and pretty soon her rear end was too sore to move. Rachel skied a little longer while we rested in the car and then we headed home. I think the general consensus was that it was fun and they could see how people would like snowboarding but they all want to keep skiing because they are already so good at it and have such fun doing that. Maybe next year they'll change their minds. We'll see.



Holli said...

That's where I am - I ski pretty well, and I don't get to go that often, so I'd rather just spend my time skiing rather than learn a new sport.

How fun they get to go so much!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

That's pretty cool. Your kids are such natural athletes!