Sunday, May 16, 2010

Adam's First Soccer Game

Our kids usually wait until they are about 7 to start playing organized soccer. Poor Adam has been begging to play and we keep telling him to wait one more year. Then our neighbor started a little neighborhood soccer team. The neighbor is a cute little 10-year-old girl and her friend. They are each a coach of a "team" which consists of 3 little boys each. Some of the boys are 5 like Adam and some are 8 or 9. The teams probably aren't very fair but the kids sure seem to have fun. She even got orange shirts for one team and yellow shirts for the other team and sewed their names of the shirts. Adam loves his "jersey" as he calls it. Their first game was yesterday and Adam made 2 goals. The girls set up a field with cones in their backyard and Rebecca, Rachel and I went over to be spectators and cheer the boys on. It was really fun and I loved watching these young girls trying to coach all these little boys. They actually did a great job!!


1 comment:

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Woot for soccer season!

Hilarious about Opposite day! I have a pic just like that with Leah and Matthew a couple years ago when they traded clothes one day.

I still remember Timp Cave. My family and I went looking for topaz and found a baby bat.

And finally- a living room can never have enough pillows, right?

PS You have been invited to my jotsandthoughts family blog!