Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keepin' Cool

Rebecca and Adam found some relief from the heat on the slippy slide along with a few friends (not pictured). I even wanted to try it but was afraid I would end up too bruised so I just walked along the side by the sprinklers. :)



Holli said...

my kids have loved the slip 'n slide this summer. I'm like you though - too scared of injury to try it myself!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

We have the exact same super slide, except that it is a double, so two people could race to the end and splash in the "mini pool" at the end of the race.

I go to Big Lots to get these fun summer things for cheap. I just buy them during winter season, so they are even cheaper, just in time for summer season, which can basically temperature speaking-start in April.

Cute pics of the kids!