Thursday, September 2, 2010

Adam's First Soccer Game

Yesterday I went to Adam's first soccer game. It was also the first time I had ever seen such little kids play. All my other kids waited until they were 7 or 8 to start soccer but Adam has been chomping at the bit and begging to play.

Adam did great. You could tell he's played soccer a lot with his older brothers and sisters since he knew exactly what to do (unlike some of the other kids who I think were the oldest in their family and had never played soccer in their life... they'll pick it up quickly). Adam has 2 other friends on the team and they won by about 5 goals. Adam made 3 or 4 of the goals and it was just the most entertaining game of soccer I've ever watched. It was so cute. The best part was after Adam's first goal he did 3 perfect cartwheels down the middle of the field. All the parents around me were hardly impressed with the goal but they were VERY impressed with the cartwheels. I could hear parents saying that they didn't think their kids even knew what a cartwheel was let alone knew how to do one. It cracked me up because Adam just does what his sisters do and they do cartwheels. I wish I had video of it.


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