Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Camping in the Rain

The title says it all.  We went camping last weekend and it rained, and rained, and rained.  That would have been just fine if we'd had our backpacking tents which are very waterproof and have survived many a huge rainstorm.  But alas, we took the big family tent so we could all stay in the same one along with the dog, Ace.  We didn't realize just how bad of a tent it was until we spent the night getting dripped on and didn't get much sleep at all.  In the morning, we tried to get things out of the tent to dry but several of the sleeping bags were literally dripping wet.  The floor of the tent was pretty much a big puddle and everything was mostly WET.  We started taking things outside to dry but it kept raining on and off all day.  We finally decided to pack it up and head home instead of staying the second night.  On our way out of camp, we threw away the tent!!  We decided that we would never take it camping because it is too miserable if it rains.

WE DID HAVE FUN THOUGH!!   After our long, horrible, wet night, we built a fire.  A nice warm fire makes everything better.  We had hot chocolate and eggs and sausage for breakfast which was very comforting.  Luckily, the rain stopped long enough for us to get dressed in fairly dry clothes and then head off on a hike around Mirror Lake.  It was beautiful and there were lots of people there fishing.  We tried for a while but didn't catch anything.  That might have been because Ace kept going in the water and so I'm sure the fish were all scared away.  It started raining when we got back to camp but we still built a fire, roasted hot dogs, played some games, and roasted marshmallows.  It really was a fun day and Adam begged to stay.  We finally bribed him to consent to leave by taking everyone to see the movie "Planes".  It is such a good thing we decided to go home.  About an hour after we got home, the hugest storm every came through.  It poured and hailed like crazy.  It flooded the whole street.  It moved through and I looked on the map as it went right through where we were camping.  It would have been awful.

Oh, and Tanner and Rachel didn't go with us.  They don't like camping with Ace and they also had reffing to do all day Saturday.  They were sad to see us come home early.  That sounds horrible but I know what they meant.  It's kind of fun to have the house to yourself once in a while. :-)

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Time Out

Sometimes kids just need to have a time out.  We thought sitting in the dog crate would be a good idea.   Hahahahahaha.   Just Kidding.  Adam just got in for fun and we took a picture.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Now Work for the Draper Police Department

That sounds pretty cool, right?  I do work for the Draper Police Department but only as a substitute crossing guard.  So, like a few times a week for about 45 minutes each time.  The lady that coordinates all the guards happens to live in my ward and they were in desperate need of a few subs, so I applied and got the job.  Phew!  They asked me what I thought made me qualified for the job (I was being interviewed by a panel of 3 people including a police sergeant and the city HR coordinator).  I really didn't think they were going to ask me something like that so it caught me a little off guard.   I said, "Well, I've raised 6 kids, I've volunteered a lot at the school so I know how to work with kids and I like kids, and.... I know how to cross a street."  Oh brother.  Everyone chuckled and I think they thought I was being a smart alec.  I really couldn't think of anything to say though.  Later I remembered that I actually was a crossing guard in 6th grade so I do have experience and could've said that.  Anyway, they hired me and I passed the drug test and the background check so I am officially an employee of the Draper police department.  We are a dual income family.  LOL  Oh, and I get to wear a cool uniform and I got a special rain coat for when it rains.  I feel very official.

My first day on the job was last Thursday.  They called me at 3:15 to be at the cross walk at 3:25.  No problem since it is 2 minutes away.  Adam went with me and took my picture.  All the kids were so cute and just about every single one said "thank you".   I think I'm going to like this job.  :-)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Belated Summer Activities Post

I found some more pictures of fun things we did this summer.  Just thought I'd post...mostly for my own memory.

We went to a super fun Pack Meeting at the park.  Adam got several awards that he earned at Scout Camp.  The lower picture is a picture of the boys trying to catch candy being shot out of a cannon by the Scout Master.  Gotta love Cubs!!

One day we decided to paint T-shirts with puffy paint.  It's fun to be just crazy creative.

Rebecca learned to sew by making some pajama shorts.  Yes, she wanted each leg to be made out of different fabric.

I made a sling bag for Rebecca because we just never could find one she liked and so she picked the fabric and I sewed.  It was actually pretty easy and I may make another one.

This is just a cute picture of Rebecca in a new top that she got for school.  :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School

Today was the 1st day of school!!  Woohoo!!

The first one out the door was Rebecca who is in 7th grade now and going to the new Draper Park Middle School.  She has to be out the door by about 7am so she isn't too thrilled with that part of it but I think she was excited to get back to school.

Next to leave were Tanner and Rachel at 7:30.  They are going to the new Corner Canyon High School in Draper.  Tanner is a Senior and Rachel is a Sophomore.  Wow, they are growing up so fast.

Last but not least, Adam was off to 3rd grade.  He doesn't have to leave until 8:45 so he is home for a while all by his little lonesome (well, I'm here but he said it was still lonely)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Camps 2013

I finally got pictures from some of the leaders who went to girls camp and scout camp. This was Rebecca's first year at girls camp and she had a great time, as did Rachel. Tanner went on a backpacking trip in the Wind Rivers in Wyoming. It sounds like he had a really good time too. Fun Fun!!
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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Isn't Over Yet!!

Even though we are doing some school shopping, reading books assigned for the new school year, and going to school orientations, we are not ready for summer to be over!!! We are cramming as much into the last 2 weeks of summer as possible.  We have....

***Experimented with vinegar and baking soda.... it actually inflates a balloon

***Made splatter monsters by using a straw to blow paint and then added eyes and mouths.

***Used tape to mask off shapes on some canvas and then painted the shapes and removed the tape.  COOL!!

 *** Went to a drive-in movie and saw Turbo.  Fun times!!

Don't worry, we have another week left and lots of fun plans.  Watch for more Summertime activities.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Can You Find the Tortoise?

"I can't find my tortoise!" was becoming a common phrase from Rachel.  She would let it outside to roam and of course, it moves rather slowly, so she would get sidetracked and forget all about it.  Then suddenly it was gone.  It liked to go hide in the bushes and such.  So she came up with this awesome tracking device.

Notice the little white flag sticking up off of the tortoise.  It works great!