Monday, May 18, 2015

"THE QUILT" is Finished!!!

That might not mean much to anyone who hasn't lived in my house some time in the last 20 years.  So let me explain....

I started a scrap quilt about 20 years ago.  Using scraps from various sewing projects I started making 9 patch quilting blocks.  I worked on these blocks over the years (like 10 years) off and on until I had 144 blocks. 

Then it was time to make the stripping and piece the whole quilt together.  Needless to say, this took some time, especially since I only worked on it once in a while. 

I finally got it all pieced together and put it on a quilting frame.  I bought one that you could roll the quilt onto so it didn't take up much room.  I figured I better do this because at the rate I was going, it might be a few months before I finished it.  Well, it was more than a few months.  It turns out that hand quilting takes a very long time.  Don't get me wrong, I loved doing it and it looks beautiful, but it took a lot of time.  I think it was up on the quilt frames for about 4 years.  During 3 of those years I was RS Pres and I didn't work on it much at all during that time.

I eventually finished all the quilting and it didn't take too long to do the binding.  I finished the last stitch TODAY!!   

I can't tell you how happy I am to have finished this project!!!  

Here is a close up picture of a part of the quilt and then a picture of the whole thing.  I think I might cover it with protective covering and hang it on the wall so it won't get touched at all.   Hahahaha!!   Just kidding.


Mad Runner said...

Well done! It is beautiful and I'm sure was worth the wait.

Julie said...

Gaylene!!! That is gorgeous! You are so talented. Love ha!!