Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Lights

Last week it snowed once again and Adam decided it was time to taste it. He said, "it tastes like water". Amazing! So now Adam knows what snow is. He was so cute clomping around in it. Luckily the snow melted and it warmed up enough to get up our Christmas lights.

Yes, Saturday, NOVEMBER 8, we put up our Christmas lights... much earlier than we did in CA. We started seeing people putting their lights up and I wondered if I had missed something since it wasn't even Halloween yet and we ALWAYS wait until after Thanksgiving. But this is snow country and nobody wants to put up lights in freezing weather with snow and ice all over the place. I hadn't thought of that but it makes good sense. We have our lights up now so bring on the snow. (I wonder what our HOA would say to having Christmas lights up ALL winter).


The Jackson's said...

Love those pictures. Usually love snow too! Not so much this year.

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

I love all the snow pics, esp with the red beanie standing out among the glistening white.

I can believe that it is snowing already? I only remember one white Thanksgiving in the 23 years that I lived in Orem.

Jenny and Chris Dixon said...

I love the pictures of Adam tasting the snow. Your Halloween menu sounded ymmy and the costumes were fun. I miss having Tanner in my Sunday school class. They seperated us from the spanish branch and now I only have 2-3 kids each sunday. :(

Lyndsey said...

I love seeing all that snow! And I love that you have your Christmas lights up already!! Your posts always make me miss Utah more and more!!!