Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Having a Blast in October

Last week I took Rachel and Rebecca up to Park City where we stayed at a hotel for one night for a Mother/Daughter Overnighter. We figured the boys get to go on the Fathers and Sons every year so we should go for once. We had a great time. We went ice skating. We went swimming and hot tubbing. We went to dinner at the oldest restaurant in Park City called Red Banjo Pizza. We played games, watched movies, stayed up late, and slept in. On our way home we stopped and went to a movie. It was so nice to spend time with my daughters. I love them both so much.

Rachel made this gingerbread haunted house. YUM!

Rebecca and Adam went to a costume party at Rebecca's gymnastics place. They had a great time and as you can see, Adam went as Batman and Rebecca was a monkey. (I stayed up til 1:00 am making Rebecca's costume. I lost the pattern and had to make up my own since there weren't any left at the store. It turned out pretty good and she was thrilled).


It was crazy hair day at school for Rebecca.

We had FHE at Cornbelly's. We spent about 4 hours there and had a blast. Adam's favorite thing was the Hay Ride. Joshua, Tanner and Rachel went through the Cornophobia Haunted Corn Field. They said it was pretty scary and really fun.




1 comment:

The Bahr Diaries said...

Such fun and cute pix and fun things you guys are doing!
I love the monkey costume and I totally call it for next year! ;)