Friday, August 13, 2010

Mountain Biking Gone Wrong

Josh and Tanner went up to Park City to go mountain biking. They rode the lift up with their bikes and started their first run down. They didn't get too far before Tanner came upon a huge ditch going a little faster than he wanted and the next thing he knew, he was flying through the air and his body met dirt and rocks. I just had to post the pictures. I hope they don't gross anyone out. This happened on Tuesday and he is doing much better by today. It really didn't slow him down much at all. Thank goodness there were no broken bones or worse. :)


Holli said...

OUCH! That looks really painful. Glad nothing was broken!

Mad Runner said...

Oooo, that just looks painful! Take care Tanner!

Angela said...

Oh Dear! I want to say "boys" but I had some pretty terrible road rashes from bike riding when I was a kid. So I guess I'm going to say, "kids". It's a good thing it happens when they're young because when you get older, the body doesn't bounce back easily!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Tanner should have seen the picture of me when I crashed my motorcycle into a cactus patch! My entire right side from my shoulder to the foot was stabbed with a thousand needles, and I had lots of bruises and skin scrapes. Ouch! I just know the feeling he has right now.