Monday, October 11, 2010

Nitro Circus at APX Company Party

I was introduced to the world of Nitro Circus last Saturday night. If you don't know what it is, don't feel bad, I didn't either. It's a group that puts on a great show doing tricks and stunts on motorcycles and bicycles. APX hosted it at their Provo campus for their company party and it was a great evening for all. I included a few pictures and a video clip so you can kind of get a feel for it. Needless to say, Tanner, Joshua, and all their friends loved it. Actually the rest of us really enjoyed it too... it was very fun to watch. It was much better in person than on TV and I only caught a little bit on camera. Some of it was just so crazy I had to watch and not bother with a camera. :)

This is what the front lawn of APX looked like. Ready for some action.

Rachel, Josh, Hayden, Becky, Brad, Tanner B., Tanner P., Curtis (my brother). Others that were there but aren't in the picture were Aaron, Amanda, Hunter, Rebecca, Adam, David, and of course, me.

In the video clip below, look for David standing with the group that the motorcycle jumps over. He is the one just to the right of the last number in the front there. The number represents how many alarm systems they installed this summer. They exceeded their goal so everyone was truly in the celebrating mood.

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