Friday, October 1, 2010

Do All Girls Love Horses?

Rebecca is taking horseback riding lessons. She goes once or twice a month and is loving it. Today was her second lesson and she rode a horse named Sara. Rebecca said she liked Sara a lot better than Diamond.... the horse she rode last time. She can saddle and bridle the horse, lead it, mount it, dismount, and unsaddle it as well as all the riding stuff. Here is a little video of her at her lesson today.

Adam went to watch today and he totally lucked out when Rebecca's teacher asked him if he wanted to ride for a few minutes. He was so excited. She helped him up on the horse and then told him a few things about riding and then he was on his own around the arena twice. He loved it.

1 comment:

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Every little girl I know is a Jessie-wanna-be!!!