Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Games

We love playing games as a family and one of Joshua's favorites is Settlers of Catan. Rachel and Rebecca had never played and Tanner isn't a big fan but we convinced everyone to give it a try and we had a great time. David won - First time ever!! If you see his hand in a bandage, he's ok now. He did something to his thumb and it was very, very painful but not broken so it was immobilized for a few days and now it is fine.


While we were playing Settlers, I was fiddling with this little brain teaser game that I used to play all the time as a kid. I don't ever remember being able to solve it though until this time. When mom and dad moved to Utah, I inherited this game and I finally solved it. I matched all the numbers. Yeah for me. :)


1 comment:

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

My kids wouldn't play churchy type of games, but they sure would be intrigued by those numbers game you got going on there!