Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua

So yesterday Joshua turned 15! Wow! We had a great family dinner and then he opened gifts afterwards. He got a jolly rancher (and a gift card for Panda Express) from his brothers and sisters and a little bit of money from Mom and Dad. He was very grateful but a little perplexed. He said, "are you sure that's all the presents?" We said "yeah" so he happily went about getting his XBox all hooked up since he hadn't done that yet since we moved. We got out the cake but he said he wasn't very hungry. We prevailed and he blew out his candles and started eating his cake. What a surprise when he poked his spoon into something hard and covered with plastic. "No way! There's money in my cake!" It was priceless. He was a very happy birthday cake eater.
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Lyndsey said...

So cute!! Glad he had a fun birthday!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

15 already?! I barely recognize him!

I love the nighborhood thing! What a great way to get to know your neighbors.

I need to try that money in the cake idea for Seth. He will be 13 next May, and outgrowing traditional birthday parties and ideas.