Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year's

We had a great last day of the year 2009. We got up early and headed up to the mountains to do some skiing and it was a perfect day. It took Adam one fall to figure out he wasn't going to break his leg and then he did great! The first time he fell, he looked up at me and said, "I almost thought I broke my femur, but I didn't!" We had a great time.

We got home just in time to welcome my 2 brothers and their families plus a few of their friends for dinner and a New Year's Eve celebration. We had chili and rolls and lots of other yummy snacks. It's now time to start my new year's resolutions and eat less and better.

Anyway, we ate, played games, and did some fireworks at midnight. And 2010 has begun!

Becky and Derek know how to celebrate!

I realized after we took this picture that Rachel, Adam and Rebecca were all downstairs so they aren't in the picture, but they definitely celebrated with us.
We were so glad everyone could come and thank them for the food they brought too.

1 comment:

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday Adam. Loved the Hawiia pics!