Thursday, January 14, 2010

Meet Tanner's Ex-Mole

Tanner had a mole removed a few months ago. Nothing major, just a little scrape off. I didn't think much of it since Joshua has also had some moles removed from his back. Then I received a call from his doctor while I was in Hawaii. That's never good. It turns out that the biopsy wasn't clean. His big mole was sent to 4 pathologists including a top expert in New York. Nobody was willing to say it WAS NOT cancer for sure. Every single one looked at it and said it probably wasn't but they couldn't be sure. Therefore, Tanner went in yesterday to have the whole area cut out to be sure they had gotten it all. Either way, this should be the end of it except for semi-annual monitoring of his other moles. And to think all this was caused by a silly mole. The cut goes straight down his back right over his spine between his shoulder blades.
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The Jackson's said...

Ouch. That looks like it hurts. Looks like Hawaii was great! Soooo jealous.

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Ouch! Scary to think of having to check our children now for moles. Come to think of it, I think Seth has a couple of them that needs monitoring.