Saturday, February 28, 2009

Is It Summer Yet?

The sun is out and the temperatures aren't bad and there is no wind today.... so Rebecca and our next door neighbor, Nick, spent the morning riding their motor bikes around the yards. Yes, Rebecca inherited Joshua's for Christmas so she has her own. They were having a great time.
While they were out doing that, Joshua and Tanner were on their Wave Boards being pulled by the neighbor in his golf cart. Oh, and Adam is riding in the golf cart too, and loving every minute of it.

Just a note: while the kids were all playing, I was busy digging up the back corner of the yard getting ready to put in a drip system for the garden we will be planting. I am so ready to be out in the garden again.

David spent the day skiing with the Priests and having a great time as well. I am so jealous. Hopefully next week I will get to go skiing.
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